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DirtHill Final Update 4.0

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Start Finish Checkpoint Tunnel Dirt Extension UnderGround

V4 is here dll it again for a few changes 26/08

Hello Item exchange here is my set of blocs i am working since Day 1 of Trackmania 2020.

This blocs are some sort of terraformed dirt hill. I wanted to do blocs that seems to be like a real environnement so u can easily create a big Hill and integrate this items in it.

I have done a set of Tunnel blocs with this Dirt Hill blocs that can be used too. They need to be placed with Nadeo lights to ensure lights in the tunnel cause i dont find any texture "light" in the set of nadeo. Blocs have kinda a black mark to place lights correctly. Make sure u do it well cause if not it will all be dark.

USE 11-5-1 nadeo bloc for the lights in tunnel

Others extension of this set:

DH-Bridges: https://item.mania.exchange/set/view/302

DH-Addblocs: https://item.mania.exchange/set/view/301

DirtHIll Massive extension: https://item.mania.exchange/set/view/10358

Not sure to be able to transform everything into a Green Hill with concrete. Maybe with some time one day ^^

Please leave a comment and report ALL beugs you find if i can modify etc etc.

Beug corrected: DLL v3.1

DH-UpStraight1x5 AND DH-Turn1x1Tunnel was doing Checkpoint without checkpoint in it dont know why.. DO NOT USE IT in V1 or it will be a not validable map. (OK in V2)

DH-RHUPL2 not finished block (OK in V2)

DH-Start 2 Mirror problem. (OK in V2)

DH-Check 2 was in wrong side respawn (OK in V2)

DH-Start 1 and DH-Start 2 moved about one or two millimeters up and changed textures not perfect but better and cant do better sry (OK in V3)

DH-UturnRUp 1 DH-UturnRUp2 and the DH-UturnLUp1 and DH-UturnLUp2 rebuild the block itself (OK in V3)

DH-Check2 texture problems AND a big Size problem (3000 edges more than his miror) so i corrected this (OK in V3)

DH-HLtoHR Bloc wasnt having miror so i put in it to make the one AND the miror in one bloc

DH-LvlUpR have been rebuild less size and mirror coming (OK in V4.0)

DH-UptoFlatL and DH-UptoFlatR have been rebuild. (OK in V4.0)

All Blocs have now positioning 16/4, now people will enjoy positioning those blocs xD (OK in V4.0)

Beugs Reports from v4: (don't use them yet so)

DH-Inclinaturn1 is a not finished bloc (for the moment)

If you take this work and change it, you have to credit me, if u wanna upload to IX please contact me before."

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