I am just discovering item.exchange... shame. I have some items on Maniapark, but i would like to put them here too.
But i found out my "bank-to-bank" items are already included in a set Eyebo.wp released a while ago. Don't get me wrong, i'm very flattered Eyebo did so : being in the "Canyon Essential Items", published by such an "custom item master", is like being nominated to the academy awards, haha ! Thanks Eyebo, if you read this.
But i thought maybe making a set with these 2 items on their own would be a good idea... Unfortunately i can't upload them, because they already exist in the database. Trying to do so, i was offered to "claim ownership", which i did thinking i would then be able to edit them into a set. But nope. The items are there, but no way to put them into a set...
Is there any way i could do ? (without messing with Eyebo's set)
Not a big deal, but i'd like to.