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Narrow Road v1.1

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70013 KB
Transition Tunnel Road Bridge Concrete

After more than one year of hard work, I’m proud to present to you my complete set of custom blocks. A file of 855 blocks for 67Mo. A long term job that I really take full time off my IRL job. More than 1K Hours of work, one block even takes me two weeks to build it.

There is more than just “the concrete hill set” since the dirt hill set I had some different blocks that are always “vanilla” oriented (blocks that can be really easily integrated into a “nadeo”ish normal map).

When I started to rebuild the dirt blocks into concrete ones I began to lack space very fast. So I made a deal, nearly ALL transitions between block types and between customs and nadeo blocks are in the file “CH-Transitions”.

Since the dirt hill set, what have evolve:

Tunnel: I completely rebuilt the “tunnel” blocks that now have a more cave feeling and added an extension “Open cave” that is easily connectable with the tunnel blocks.

Canyon: I completely rebuilt the shape of the “canyon” that now has a more natural feeling like the tunnel and even if it's blind in turns I tried to add some “colors” into the road to kinda see where the block goes. And had more than 30 transitions into nadeo blocks that will allow more maps to be half custom and half nadeoish.

Levels: I made a LOT of BIG blocks. Some are so big that they completly beug out now the nadeo mesh modeler when you open them.

I would like to thank everybody who helped me with this project, particulary   StunTMan who designed specialy for this set some special lights for the tunnel blocks.

To finish, please respect the work of everyone even if you don’t like it, it never deserves to be hateful like some people have been. Never forget that there is a human behind the computer.

Do not hesitate to leave any feedback in the comment section

Best Regards TerOor

Please, if you want to modify and use the customs for you own no problem. If you wanna upload the edited blocks then please ask me first !

.v1.1 03/01/2021

  • Added 3 blocks : CH-OCEndRoad2.Item.Gbx / CH-OCStraightNR.Item.Gbx / CH-OCCheckNR.Item.Gbx
  • Remove one bad waypoint in "CH-OCJump"
  • Rename 1 block : "CH-EndRoad.Item.Gbx into "CH-OCEndRoad.Item.Gbx"
  • Small beugs adjustements: CHB-YBooster (bad way change) and CHB-OBooster (problem to trigger)

If download doesn't work you can download each part one by one:

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

To have the same "moutain hills" textures you can use this set by    stupskiesel.nc: https://item.mania.exchange/set/view/10947

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