After making "12567" with all the water blocks that have at least something interesting added to them, by removing their mesh, here are all the water blocks converted from .EDClassic.Gbx to .Block.Gbx, including all the boring ones that don't really do much...
Do keep in mind that, honestly most, of these blocks are essentially identical, but they might be of use to someone.
Do keep in mind that there are three blocks that CANNOT be converted.
These three are: WaterBase, WaterWall, PlatformWaterToDecoWallWaterSlope2EndCornerOut
This is because of the name length of said block needs to match at least one non-water block, there are no non-water blocks that have name length of '9' or '46' so these blocks are 'impossible' to convert (using the method I used)
Anyway, hope this has been at least somewhat useful too anyone.