Inspired by the Desert remake as part of Trackmania 2020's Original Trilogy, I made these signs modeled after those in the original Desert environment. I drew all the letters, symbols, and shapes by hand in the Mesh Modeler. The only sign that doesn't use hand-drawn lettering are the Trackmania signs, which rely on in-game logo textures instead.
To add this item set to your collection, un-zip the contents into Documents\Trackmania2020\Items\DesertSigns.
Press Q to change the pivot position of any sign--the first is suitable for the round gantry tubes and pole, while the second allows mounting to the square pillars.
I also made Desert-inspired 2D sign skins.
EDIT 2024-05-22: The alternate pivot position also works nicely with the decorative Desert car gate! Here's a new screenshot featuring my 3D signs mounted to the gate, along with an official sign item having my US HIghway 95 skin:
EDIT 2024-05-25: I added 32m and 24m square gantries (the pillar rotated and stretched), more Trackmania logo signs, and double-sized versions of selected signs.
EDIT 2024-05-27: I added 8m and 16m gantries, plus matching pillar pairs. I also removed some accidental duplicate items (they were removed from the set with this update).